Monday, November 15, 2010

marathon feet no more!

Busy busy day. Total fail on the workout front. Ben and I met some friends at Harry Carey's for some football and fun. Sam Adams with olives and lots of water to drink. I thought I was going to be good and ordered a chicken salad with vinegar on the side, sounds like a good choice, right? Well I also promised Ben some french fries, guess who ended up eating most of those? (me, hiding under the table right now).

Ben was really good, there were some older kids in our group and he loved playing with them. We headed over to Wrigley so the boy could get his fix in. That kid could walk around the park all day long. He then promised he would be good while I ran into the Gap to grab some jeggings (last day of the Friends and Family sale). Well I knew I was pushing it with him and a late nap. Total chaos with him and lack of help from the sales associates with finding my size. I end up grabbing a pair, come home and find out I grabbed the wrong size! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... Guess who's going back to the Gap later today?

Finally home and I was super excited for a mani and pedi. A new shop opened up around the corner. I've been dying to try it out however my feet took a beating from the marathon - I could not show them to anyone, let alone put the poor technician through the horror of scrubbing them. I'm pretty much healed and my footsies look nice and pretty again (well pretty for feet). Great bonus, I had a coupon for a free mani with my pedi - SCORE!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

first time

Okay, my first blog post. I'm testing this out, seeing which platform to go with. Hoping to have my new website up and running very very soon. Stay tuned!